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Date: Sat, 02 Nov 2024 02:20:49 GMT
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sub StartImageDown
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oOption.text = "Preset " & i
oOption.value = i
Call .add(oOption)
Set oOption = Nothing
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With speed
while .length
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oOption.text = "Slow"
oOption.value = 0
Call .add(oOption)
Set oOption = Nothing
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oOption.text = "Normal"
oOption.value = 1
Call .add(oOption)
Set oOption = Nothing
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oOption.text = "Fast"
oOption.value = 2
Call .add(oOption)
Set oOption = Nothing
Set oOption = document.createElement("OPTION")
oOption.text = "Very Fast"
oOption.value = 3
Call .add(oOption)
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port = 80
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UDROCX_H264.Display1CH index
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sub Display4CH(index)
UDROCX_H264.Display4CH index
end sub
sub OnSearch
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sub OnPTZFButtonDown(index)
UDROCX_H264.OnPTZFButtonDown index, speed.selectedIndex
end sub
sub OnPTZFButtonUp(index)
UDROCX_H264.OnPTZFButtonUp index
end sub
sub OnClickPlaybackButton(index)
UDROCX_H264.OnClickPlaybackButton index
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sub ReturnToLiveMode = "visible" = "visible" = "hidden" = "visible" = "visible"
end sub
sub OnButtonSet()
UDROCX_H264.OnButtonSet preset.selectedIndex
end sub
sub OnButtonGoto()
UDROCX_H264.OnButtonGoto preset.selectedIndex
end sub
sub Disconnect()
end sub
sub Reconnect()
UDROCX_H264.StartImageDown hostaddress, port, id, pw
end sub
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